
Psychological test: How does your past affect your present?

The subconscious mind shapes your present

Photo: Amanda Dalbjorn / Unsplash

Choose a drawing and find out how your past affects your present or how your subconscious affects the decisions and choices you make.

Our subconscious is full of memories and emotions. Unfortunately, some are not so pleasant, even though they happened in the distant past and still influence our decisions and actions in the present.

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud believed that all the events of our childhood have a strong influence on our adult life and shape our personality. What event from the past still affects you?

Choose the symbol that first caught your attention.

1st symbol

Your biggest fear is being alone. Many people who grew up without both or without one parent or in some imperfect family have such a fear.

You seem to be a magnet for toxic people. Because you think like that, you radiate exactly that kind of energy. Your insecurity and need for love attract toxic people.

Work on yourself and your confidence. You need to understand that people will come and go in your life, but that doesn't mean you will be alone. If you are an open and friendly person, you will never be alone! You have to believe that you deserve everything good! This is how you will attract such people.

2nd symbol

This picture suggests that you were criticized a lot in your childhood, both by your parents and your peers. As a result, you often felt insecure and sought the reassurance and approval of others.

You want to please everyone, but know that this is impossible. You start to think more about your interests and needs.

It's time to take care of yourself and bring more healthy selfishness into your life, ie. put yourself first! And don't care what other people think.

3rd symbol

You dream big, you want a lot, but the fear of failure holds you back. It is possible that you often experienced the feeling of rejection as a child. Because of this, you don't dare to do many things that you really want to do.

You must understand that your life depends only on you. Everything is possible, you just have to be persistent and start by saying "I can".

You have to try, take the first step, because without it you will stay where you are forever dissatisfied. Self-confidence will help you create healthy relationships with people.

4th symbol

If you chose this picture, many people in your life have betrayed your trust. Maybe they promised something they couldn't deliver, or maybe they weren't serious at all.

It is difficult for you to trust people again, you are emotionally reserved and rarely open up to anyone.

Work on overcoming your fear. Trust is key to healthy relationships, whether friendships or romantic relationships.

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