If you are married or in a long-term relationship, do you and your partner kiss often? Kissing is much more important than you think.
JoinedDecember 21, 2019
I look for something positive in everything and everyone, because everything is not just black and white, there are many rainbow shades in between. I write, take photos, travel - I enjoy life in my own way.
Are you smiling when you read this headline? Familiar situation? A question that is often asked in women's society and to which there is no satisfactory answer.
How to recognize such a man? Is your man cold towards you? Disappears for days? Is he ignoring you? Is your relationship very strained?
No matter how much you love to exercise, at some point your motivation drops. We all have those days when we don't want to get out of bed, when we have too many obligations and when the thought of exercising makes us feel bad. There is nothing wrong with that.
You want to have a person by your side who would be with you in good times and bad. Someone who would love you for who you are. But, something always stops you from "finding" her. Wondering why but can't find the answer!?
In many places, tulips, which are synonymous with spring, already decorate homes. They are a wonderful colorful decoration in the room where they are located. They are easy to care for and come in a whole range of beautiful colors from white, yellow, orange, red and so on. But how do you ensure that a bouquet of tulips stays fresh and beautiful for as long as possible?
The New Moon on March 2, 2022 will be full of inspiration. This is a great opportunity to express your deepest desires. Time to make your dreams come true.
Love changes the world, just like true love changes you. It changes your attitude to the world, your beliefs, your fears, emotions, feelings - you!
Do you often wake up in the morning reluctant and full of negative thoughts? Break this negative cycle and ask yourself 7 questions every morning!
The day is known after the morning. Start it calmly, meditatively. At least for a few moments every day, relax your mind and bathe in divinity. Those moments are the only real moments. They are the only times when you can say that you have really lived; all other moments will be forgotten.
Did you know that the choice of handbag reveals much more about you than you think? What kind of bag do you have and what's in it? Are you organized? Full of surprises? Are you responsible? All this and more, your bag says. Have we piqued your interest?
Therefore, be careful what you say throughout life, because everything you say you want in the present will come true. We speak hundreds of words and sentences every day.