What will happen, how will it happen, when will it happen, and what if...? Endless questions. What are your fears created by your thoughts, according to your astrological sign.
JoinedDecember 21, 2019
I look for something positive in everything and everyone, because everything is not just black and white, there are many rainbow shades in between. I write, take photos, travel - I enjoy life in my own way.
Pregnant. Her heart was pounding. She was nervous, excited, scared at the same time. She's going to be a mom.
Which color would you press to bring positive changes into your life? Do you know that it is no coincidence when you choose certain colors, say clothes, walls, pillows,... The colors we choose are directly related to our psyche.
Do you love and be loved? Are you adapting to be loved? Are you their priority or do you turn a blind eye and accept all their blows as if they were a sign of love? Do you even know the difference between being loved and adapting to be loved?
Don't try to change them. Don't put energy into trying to change a toxic person because they don't want to change. They won't give you what you want.
Are you a morning person? Everything starts in the morning, as they say - the day is known by the morning. Whether you are a "morning person" or not, make your day start bright and positive.
Would you believe that your smell is the key to choosing the right partner? Do you know that a lot of psychological and biological information is stored in your smell?
Does he still like me? Does he still love me? Does she still want me even though I've gained a few pounds? After all these years, are we still - us? Endless questions. We have written down the answers to them below.
The claim that men are from Mars and women are from Venus is certainly true. When we understand and accept this, we can have a good laugh at the expense of the obvious differences. Let's see why?
Do you think no one likes you? Why do you keep insecurities inside you? Change Your Beliefs - Now!
There is no instruction book on how to win a person over.
When you love someone, you don't ignore them when they need help. You don't leave when she cries. You don't leave until he feels better. Because when you love someone, you love them when they are in a good mood and when they encounter obstacles on the path of life.