
Automat Diner: a restaurant where vending machines serve

Automat Diner is a restaurant without staff.

Have you heard of the Automat Diner, a restaurant without staff, i.e. without waiters and even without chefs, where you serve your meal right from a vending machine? There is just such a restaurant nowhere else but in Japan! Check out what dining looks like in practice. No more waiting, no more waving at the waiter. The meal is served immediately.

Diner vending machine (Jihankishokudo in Japanese) is a restaurant without chefs and waiters, because three people serve you ready-made meals vending machines. It is located in Isesaki (Gunma Prefecture), Japan.

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The only "staff" of the Automat Diner restaurant.
The only "staff" of the Automat Diner restaurant.

Of course, this kind of restaurant is not a place for romantic dinners, but it is affordable, clean and unique. Would you roll into it?

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