
Baba Vanga predicted for the year 2022 the extinction of those who did not get used to the virus - the unvaccinated!

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Although the famous Balkan psychic has been dead for two decades, her predictions continue to make international headlines. The blind Bulgarian woman has rather dark predictions for the year 2022. In particular, she seems to have predicted the extinction of those who did not adapt to the virus. We conclude that unvaccinated!

Bulgarian psychic Baba Vanga has become a cult figure among psychics after some of her predictions have come true. For example, she predicted 9/11 and the attack on the twins. She correctly predicted the Kursk submarine disaster. She also predicted "Brexit" in 2016. And the catastrophic tsunami in 1989.

She died in 1996, but she predicted some events up to the year 5079. According to her prophecies, the world would end in that year.

Documentary - Baba Vanga

Baba Vanga - predictions for 2022

It seems that the first prediction Baba Vanga for 2022 it refers to the Covid-19 pandemic and states that "people will get used to the new virus". It is not clear from the records of her visions whether this will be done by vaccination or natural immunity. But he insists that people will "get used to it". And yet it predicts biblical extinction.

The interpretation allows for the possibility that people will successfully contain the spread of the virus with the help of vaccination and that the vaccinated will survive. So those who will get used to the virus. The forecast is also extremely bleak and predicts a catastrophic extinction. Vaccinated world population is still very few or the majority is unvaccinated. By the end of 2022, just under 40 percent of the world's population will be vaccinated.

All of this can also mean the appearance of a new strain or even a new virus in the wake of Covid-19, which will bring disaster to the world. This is also pointed out by scientists who claim that the virus is not weakening as expected. If the virus becomes as deadly as the original SARS virus - the latter could mean an 8 percent fatality rate. And if it retains its virulence - that is, its contagiousness - it will certainly be one of the greatest disasters in history. Given the number of mutations, however, this is very, very likely. This would coincide with Baba Vanga's predictions. Time will tell what exactly Baba Vanga saw. But given her really good predictions in the past, it all seems very likely! And very frightening.

Many natural disasters and mass extinctions in 2022 - according to the predictions of Baba Vanga

In another prophecy, Baba Vanga mentioned that "there will be many natural disasters". This prediction is also consistent with the context in which the world will witness many unusual natural phenomena such as mass extinction of fish, drought, flash floods, melting glaciers and the like. Of course, also climate change, which will not be as scientists predict, but can be exponential. Also because she predicted that in 2022 we will reach a point of no return and climate change can happen regardless of humanity's actions.

“Many living creatures are killed in the process. The survivors will die of a serious illness," Vanga said.

Among other things, Baba Vanga predicts the following for 2022

In 2022, virtual realities will be introduced in which we can get completely lost. Baba Vanga thus predicted that spending time in these virtual realities can cause memory and learning disorders and can turn people into real zombies. When we think about where Meta (Facebook) plans to go in the future, her prediction seems absolutely true. Next year, Meta will introduce a big innovation in the field of virtual reality.

What did Baba Vanga correctly predict for 2021?

Regarding 2021, the British Metro writes that Baba Vanga is said to have predicted that the world will suffer from "great cataclysms and great disasters" during the year, while three "giants" unite and a "powerful dragon" takes over humanity. Some speculate that the "dragon" is China and that this prediction means that this nation's world power will continue to grow. But if we look back and remember the beginning of the pandemic, we can see things in a different light. The virus spread like wildfire from China all over the world. It means that it holds the essence, or rather the core of this prediction of hers. The danger to the world and the current pandemic originates from China.

Baba Vanga correctly predicted that a cure for cancer would be found in 2021. She is said to have said: "The day will come when cancer will be bound with iron chains." And it is the vaccines for COVID-19 that are developed on the basis of research for the treatment of cancer. And progress in this area, which experienced an extraordinary breakthrough in 2021.

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Source:kozmo.at and Newsweek

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