
Baba Vanga predicted the first contact with extraterrestrials for 2024

First contact - 2024

Baba Vanga je napovedala prvi stik z nezemljani za leto 2024
Photo: Midjourney

Baba Vanga has predicted the first contact with extraterrestrials for 2024! When it comes to prophecies, Baba Vanga is undoubtedly one of the most famous names. This blind Bulgarian prophetess stunned the world with her predictions. And now that NASA and the Mexican government are releasing information about aliens, it looks like one of her predictions for 2024 may be coming true. Get ready to travel through time and space as we explore what the future holds for us according to Baba Vanga - one of the most famous prophetesses of all time.

It is Baba Vanga announced the first contact with aliens for 2024?
Baba Vanga, the legendary Bulgarian fortune teller, predicted many events for the year 2024. Among them is the first contact with aliens. Is this just another one of her predictions or are we in for a real surprise?

'Space' mummies discovered at congressional hearing in Mexico

Hearing before a congressional committee on UFOs

NASA discusses findings from UFO study

Mexico and the Mysterious Remains

At the hearing, Mexican politicians saw two artifacts, for which a Mexican journalist and long-time enthusiast of the UFO-ji, Jaime Maussan, claimed they were the remains of aliens. These small “bodies” with distinctly elongated heads were found near the ancient Nazca lines in Peru in 2017. Maussan claims they are about 1,000 years old.

Baba Vanga and her predictions

Baba Vanga, known for her astonishing predictions, has predicted that humanity will be in contact with aliens within the next two centuries, with first contact expected to take place right in 2024. Based on recent events in Mexico, it appears that this prediction may be closer to the truth, than we ever imagined. While the world waits for more evidence and scientific research on these mysterious remains, it is clear that such stories and predictions continue to fascinate us. Or is it Baba Vanga did she really predict future events or is it just a coincidence? Whatever the answer, stories like these remind us that the universe is full of mysteries and that there may be many more we have yet to discover.”

2024: A Year of Great Change –

Years 2024 we can expect many revolutionary events. Among them is the first contact with aliens. Yes, you read that right! Baba Vanga predicted that humanity will be in contact with aliens in the next two centuries, with the first contact expected to take place in 2024. Is this just another one of her interesting predictions, or maybe there is something to it?

Aliens among us? Baba Vanga predicted first contact with extraterrestrials for 2024?

Imagine that you are sitting in your living room, drinking coffee, and suddenly you see the news on TV about the first contact with aliens. Would you be surprised? Excited? Scared? Well, if you believe Baba Vanga's predictions, this may indeed happen in the next year. And who knows, maybe aliens will be just as excited about our coffee as we are!

Baba Vanga and her shocking insights into the future

Baba Vanga, born in 1911 in a modest Bulgarian village, became a legend for her incredible predictions. Despite losing her sight in a tornado at age 12, she developed an uncanny ability to predict the future. Many have compared her to Nostradamus and called her "Nostradamus of the Balkans". Among her most famous predictions are the rise ISIS-a, the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and Brexit.

Baba Vanga's predictions have always aroused interest and curiosity. While it's impossible to say with certainty whether her predictions will come true, it's always fun to think about the possibilities. And if it turns out that aliens are indeed among us, let's hope they bring some good space coffee recipes with them!”

Fun thought: "If aliens do come to us, let's hope they have a sense of humor and aren't allergic to coffee!"

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