
Baking soda for cleaner, softer and smelling laundry

Washing clothes with baking soda

Photo: envato

Do you want fragrant and soft laundry? Baking soda can be of great help with this. Check.

Baking soda is a good and cheap way to remove odors from laundry, to soften clothes, to clean the iron...

What is baking soda?

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a chemical compound that occurs naturally in solid crystalline form, but is usually ground into a fine powder. It is used in cooking, but it is also effective in absorbing odors, regulating the pH value, and as a mild abrasive it is also useful in washing clothes and cleaning household chores.

Reduce and eliminate odors from laundry

Bacteria are removed when the detergent molecules break down the bacterial cells on the washcloths. Baking soda helps balance the pH level of the washing machine water by preventing it from being too acidic or alkaline. Adding 1/2 cup of baking soda to each load of laundry can help detergents work more effectively and reduce bacteria.

Keep your clothes soft and fragrant. Photo: Tima Miroshnichenko / Pexels

Increase the effectiveness of bleach and detergent

Chlorine bleach is often used to remove odors and general grime from laundry. In water that is too acidic or alkaline, bleach needs a boost to work more effectively. By increasing its cleaning properties, you may be able to use less bleach to achieve the same results.
Adding 1/2 cup of baking soda for every 1/2 cup of bleach will adjust the pH level of the water so that the bleach will work more effectively.

Soften fabrics naturally

Adding 1/2 cup of baking soda to each rinse cycle acts as a balance for detergent or mineral deposits in the water and can prevent them from redepositing on clothes, which can make clothes stiff.

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