
Ballhausgasse in Graz: the house of mirrors is a mirror image of another house

Ballhausgasse - House of Mirrors

The historic center of Graz is considered one of the best-preserved city centers in Central Europe, and in 1999 UNESCO included it in the list of world cultural heritage. It is characterized by a mix of houses from different periods and different architectural styles. The old town center is made up of more than 100 buildings, with styles ranging from Gothic to Modernism. The latter was also used by HoG Architektur (Hope of Glory) in the construction of one of the "stumps" where the residential building was built. Instead of the classic facade, the Ballhausgasse building was given mirrors that reflect the nearby building, successfully masking the true appearance. buildings.

Historic city core Austrian city Graz it is under the protection of UNESCO, therefore any interventions in the space are severely limited. In front of the architectural office HoG Architektur, which was tasked to seal the stump between the historic buildings, was such a difficult task.

Ballhausgasse in Graz.
Ballhausgasse in Graz

But instead of building in the architectural style of any of the past periods, they built a building Ballhausgasse covered with mirrors, in which we see the reflection of the opposite building. Thus, instead of its facade, it wears a facade neighbors.

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It is a modern interpretation architecture from the middle of the 19th century. Although the building has a different number of floors, this is not noticeable due to the reflection. It hosts guests on eight floors 17 apartments. It is located in the immediate vicinity of the Grač castle on a hill Schlossberg.

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