
You'll Win a Man INSTANTLY: The 50/70 Flirting Rule That Works!

If you want to become a master of seduction, you just have to learn this rule.

Did you know that a person can communicate with his eyes without words? Our eyes show emotion, make connections and indicate interest.

Although flirting looks simple, it's not easy to make the first move when you like someone. There are women who are good at seduction and others who do not do well in such situations. They don't know how to show a man that they like him.

Tara Fields, author of The Love Fix, reveals to women that they don't need offensive tactics or any other techniques to seduce a man. She suggests creating a virtual date in your mind, or sending yourself the messages you want from that person. By doing this, you send your intention to the universe, and you will also relax.

It is important to be natural and let the man know that you like him with your looks. You will achieve this with the help of the 50/70 rule.

If you want to become a master of seduction, you just have to learn the 50/70 rule.
If you want to become a master of seduction, you just have to learn the 50/70 rule.

What is the 50/70 rule?

Although it sounds like a mathematical formula to be solved, it actually is conscious eye contact. Research from 2012, from the University of Michigan, showed that looking towards a partner can be a sign of interest and trust. This means letting the person know not only that you like them physically, but also that you're ready to talk.

Make eye contact before you start speaking. Communication happens with your eyes, while you listen just as much as you speak.

How It Works?

If you want to maintain proper eye contact without staring, you should maintain eye contact 50 percent of the time while speaking and 70 percent of the time while listening. This helps show interest and confidence. Once you make eye contact, hold it 4-5 seconds. After this time, you can slowly look away and then return to making eye contact again.

Maintaining eye contact is easy because you are looking at the other person. When you look away, do so slowly. Don't look down, as this can give the impression that you lack confidence. Remember to make eye contact while listening to smile and se relax.

If you are uncomfortable, practice the rule in front of a mirror until you feel confident.

After making eye contact, hold it for 4-5 seconds.
After making eye contact, hold it for 4-5 seconds.

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