
Based on your astrological sign, you can find out how many times you will love. Will you find the love of your life or…?

Photo: Gustavo Fring / Pexels

Love is not just a word. It is an emotion that people experience in different ways. Each of us has a hidden desire for that happy, unrepeatable love that we only experience once in our lives. Is that true? Let's see what astrology has to say about it.

While some people easily get over their partner after a breakup and find solace in new relationships, there are also those whose scars never heal.

What astrology says, how many true loves you will experience throughout your life journey.


Although they are skeptical about love, they can love three times in their life. They immediately forget their ex-partner. Full of passion and curiosity, they quickly find a new love.


They love strongly and sincerely. They are ready to spend their whole life with their partner. Taurus is one of the signs that can love only once.

Love that lasts means more to them than fleeting relationships. Photo: Jonathan Borba / Unsplash


Members of this sign can spend their whole life searching for their true love, regardless of their current emotional state. Whenever they are with someone, they will think that they have found their other half. Geminis usually have three loves in their life.


If they were disappointed in their first love, they will open their heart to their next partner only long after. Cancers usually love only twice in their life.


Leos love constantly and are very devoted to any new love that appears in their lives. They like to conquer and are never afraid of the temptations that arise in a relationship. They are not even afraid of infidelity or heartbreak. They love more than once.

A virgin

In love, they are very suspicious and skeptical, because of this they can love only twice in their life. They have a hard time allowing someone new to come into their lives. They believe in sincere love and do not trust their heart to anyone.


Like Leo, Libras really love each new partner. Even when they experience defeats and their hearts are filled with sadness, members of this sign could easily enter into a new relationship and experience emotional fulfillment again.


Scorpios are known for many passionate adventures, but in truth they only love once. When they love, they experience the relationship much more deeply, not just physically.


Sagittarius is ready to love as many as four times in his life. In order to stay with someone, they will have to learn to compromise.


Due to the fact that it is difficult for them to express their feelings, Capricorns find it difficult to find the perfect partner. Due to their strong personality, they are usually the ones who decide to end the relationship. They love twice in life.

Passion is written in their blood. Photo: Edgar Zubarev / Pexels


Members of this sign have three loves in their lives, but among them there are also people with whom they cheat on their partners. They are looking for the perfect partner who is a combination of best friend and experienced lover.


Pisces can only truly love one person for the rest of their lives. The moment they feel they have met their soul mate, they are committed to that person 100%.

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