
Attention! On this Italian beach, you can earn a fine from 500 euros to 3,500 euros

Photo: envato

Imagine that you are enjoying a beautiful day at the beach, and you take home a bill - a fine from 500 euros to 3,500 euros.

Italian Pink Beach it is one of the most famous European beaches, but due to excessive tourism, the authorities decided to announce a high fine. A magical beach peach-pink color in Sardinia, even ranks among the best beaches in the world. All thanks to the unusual color, a pink-orange shade, which is the result of the remains and shells of dead microscopic organisms.

Photo: Unsplash/Marcus Woodbridge

Pink Beach is located on the island of Budella, about 12 kilometers from the west coast of Sardinia. Needless to say, the beach became a real hit on social networks, and the authorities were forced to put an end to mass tourism that could threaten its existence.

For walking on colored sand, you will be fined 500 euros, which is minimal, as fines can go up to several thousand. If you are caught collecting sand with the intention of taking it home, you can also earn a 3,500 euro fine.

As the Timeout portal reports, the ban has existed for more than 30 years, but now it is being implemented much more strictly than before. The only way to visit the beach is to jump off the boat and admire it from afar. Access has always been possible only from the sea. Although the government's action may seem extreme, it is crucial to restoring the natural pink hue. After all these years of unwise behavior of tourists and destruction, its existence was threatened.

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