
This is the best part of the day to meditate! Check out why

Photo: envato

Even if you are just starting to meditate, you are probably wondering what is the best part of the day to meditate. We have the answer.

Meditation is one of the hottest topics in the health and wellness world these days, so the question of when is the best part of the day to meditate is a valid one. Not only does it benefit our mental health and help us cope better with stress and anxiety, it also affects our physical health. It reduces pain, lowers blood pressure and improves cognitive function.

When is the best time of day to meditate?

But meditating, especially at the beginning, is anything but easy. Many people wonder what is the best part of the day for meditation, because it is not easy to focus only on breathing when a series of thoughts are running through our heads. Experts agree that perhaps the best time is in the morning. With morning meditation, we "set" our mind so that we will remain alert and aware throughout the day. Meditating in the early hours of the morning helps you feel better throughout the day, and can become a habit if you include it in your morning routine.

Photo: Unsplash/Jared Rice

Of course, we are all different people. That is why you can devote another part of the day to meditation. Morning people will thus have no problem meditating early in the morning, while the responsibilities of the day make them tired and exhausted. Nocturnal birds can have trouble waking up in the morning and even falling back asleep during meditation. So here are some more suggestions on when you can practice meditation if you don't like mornings:

After the "work" is over

You can also meditate at the transition between different periods of the day. For example, when you finish work, you take a few minutes to meditate before heading back to your family. You can also meditate when the newborn falls asleep on your chest after "lunch" or before you pick up a book in the evening.

Photo: Unsplash/Darius Bashar

In free time

It depends on your schedule and lifestyle, but you may not find time to meditate at the same time every day. There's nothing wrong with that either. If you have a meeting in the morning, you may want to postpone the meditation until later.

If you are not a morning person, there are also a number of benefits of evening meditation. It calms the nervous system after a tiring day and relaxes you and prepares you for sleep. Meditating before bed can also be beneficial for those with insomnia. Even a body scan, where you pay attention to each part of the body separately, is useful for relaxation before sleep.

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