
Be kinder to yourself this magical holiday season

Photo: Freestocks / Unsplash

For many people, the holidays are magical, but for some they are deeply draining. Remind yourself that you are also important, not only those closest to you.

Remind yourself of what really matters and how to choose kindness during this stressful time.

Treat yourself with kindness because you, too, are someone worth caring about.

Let's look at some ways you can pamper your soul and body.

Create rituals and routines that focus on you

Dedicate special moments in your day to being present with your mind and body so that you can reflect on how you really feel.

The holidays are full of immense beauty and magic, but they can also hold weight, as they can pull you in so many different directions that require a lot of your emotional and physical energy.

Pick a few times during the day and set an alarm to remind yourself to take three deep breaths. Take the first thirty minutes of your morning to do something kind for yourself - whether it's drinking coffee or exercising, whatever you enjoy.

Take time for yourself! Photo: Unsplash

By committing to small but manageable moments of self-care, you show yourself that you too are someone you love, while adding moments of calm to your day.

Manage stress

The holidays play a big role in adding extra stress to many people. Therefore, it is very important to invest your time and energy in things that do not upset you. There are many ways to combat stress in everyday life.

Morning meditation can help you manage stress, or taking a walk or sitting in nature for at least five minutes. Add supplements to your diet that help you relax, such as valerian tea.

Cultivate gratitude

As beautiful and heartwarming as the holidays can be, they also bring their own problems. Mentally, this time of year can be difficult for those who are empathetic and those who like to give of themselves to others. Seasonal changes in weather and daylight can also have a profound effect on a person's mental health.

Every night before you go to bed, no matter how the experiences of the day make you feel, no matter how difficult things seem to you, write down three aspects of life that you are grateful for.

Gratitude helps change your perspective and reminds you that even in the toughest of times, you still have access to so much beauty in your life.

Go to the things, the people, that break the darkness into light. Make time for them. Be grateful.

Surround yourself with your people

The holiday season is supposed to represent more socializing, but it often feels chaotic. Remember to surround yourself with people who make you feel most at peace with yourself.

Let the holidays become your ally! Photo: Eugene Zhyvchik/Unsplash

Create boundaries with those, even family, who make you feel negative. It's okay to get away from things and people in your environment that drain you.

Simple little things

Happiness comes from the smallest, simplest things in life. Pay attention to the things that make you feel calm. Pay attention to the things that bring a smile to your face every morning. Pay attention to the things that make you feel at home and relaxed in your environment, and stick to those things. Keep them close at all times.

For example, brew your favorite coffee for morning rituals or make sure that a candle that makes your space calm and fragrant is always lit.

There are tiny ways you can fill your life each day, and you'll realize they're never really small.

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