
This mistake makes you fat faster: what should you do when you feel hungry?

Photo: envato

Have you ever thought that there is a hidden flaw in your eating pattern that can make you gain weight faster?

Just what are you doing wrong to be drive faster?! Most people take only a few minutes for a meal in the fast pace of life, without thinking about the consequences.

Despite promises to reach your ideal weight, you find that goal keeps slipping away. However, there is one simple thing you can do when you are hungry without worrying gaining kilos.

Discover how a small change can bring big results

Most people are used to eating a quick meal in five to ten minutes, as their day is overcrowded with obligations, which makes them rush to eat the food as soon as possible.

However, such eating can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Gaining weight? Photo: Total Shape / Unsplash

When you eat food too quickly, it is don't chew enough, which can cause digestive problems and even overeating. Your brain needs time to receive the signal that you are full, so it is important to the meal takes at least 20 minutes.

In the modern world, you are often busy with many activities during meals, such as watching TV or browsing social networks. This takes you away from food awareness, leading to overeating. Research has shown that people consume approx 15 percent more food, when they are simultaneously engaged in other activities during the meal.

To avoid this unwanted overeating, it is crucial to be aware of your diet.

When you feel hungry, take a moment and drink a glass of water because it often happens that we confuse the feeling of hunger and thirst. Then focus on the meal and give it enough time.

Drink a glass of water. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

It is important that every bite chew at least 20 times and focus on the taste and texture of the food you eat. These simple habits will gradually affect your weight and help you maintain a balanced eating pattern without fear of gaining pounds.

With a small change in diet you can achieve great results. Start by being aware of your eating, eating more slowly and paying full attention to the food you eat.

You will be surprised how you can one simple change helps you reach your weight goals.

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