
This is why no one "wants" you: 3 actions that repel men

Photo: PS Youtube

It is quite possible that you are an attractive, intelligent and capable woman who knows how to attract just about every man who catches your eye, but in the end everyone leaves you and breaks your heart! Think about it, maybe it's your actions that repel men!

Partnerships are exceptional a complex area of human life and also the greatest sages of the world, scientists and spirituals they didn't come up with an answer as to why exactly a person falls in love, falls out of love and breaks someone's heart, intentionally or unintentionally.

Any type of rejection is painful… and it's probably the worst rejection in love. It is probably quite clear to you that you will not attract all the men in this world, because every eye has its own charmer! However, you are probably wondering why those "good" people leave you again and again and they break your heart into 1000 pieces.

If you feel like you're repelling men in some way, there's a good chance you really are you are sabotaging yourself, which in turn affects your relationships. In this way, you are destroying the potential to have the relationship you have always dreamed of. But, as they say, you can fix everything. You make mistakes in life and you will make mistakes, but the important thing is that you also learn something from them.

Think about your actions that repel men, make some "corrections" and you too will meet your prince who he will be worthy of you.

3 actions that repel men:

You are your own worst enemy.

Just about every person in the world is dealing with their own traumas from childhood and previous relationships, but you can't expect a man who sees you sabotaging yourself to stay with you. A good man will try to help you, but he too will eventually get bored and look for his happiness elsewhere.

Something about constantly seeking validation from others because you can't rely on your partner to build your self-esteem. Don't act like a meek woman who can't do anything on her own because you don't feel good in your own skin.

If you feel that you lack self-confidence and self-esteem, YOU will have to start working on it. It will be difficult for the partner to bear this constant pressure and it is also not fair to put such a burden on him.

You are your own worst enemy.
You are your own worst enemy.

You treat him like a child.

Evolutionarily, women are the ones who take care of the home and it has become quite natural for a woman to want to be in control of the home. And so also over your partner. There's nothing wrong with that if you both are comfortable with this lifestyle, but it certainly doesn't mean that a man can't take care of himself.

You are not a caregiver, but a partner who co-decides with your better half. And, of course, he does not perceive him as a child who does not know basic tasks. His help will come in handy. At the beginning of the relationship, you may still think it's cute that you take care of everything, but later, when the phase of falling in love passes, all this hard work will be a burden. And he won't be there to help you because you taught him to be a CHILD!

You treat him like a child.
You treat him like a child.

You are argumentative.

It is clear that you will not tolerate inappropriate behavior. It's okay to stand up for yourself and let him know how you feel. You should do this every time because it's the only way your relationship can progress because you'll get to know each other.

But there is a difference if you get angry about every situation and would constantly argue. No one in this world likes women who do drama.

It's quite clear that they won't agree on everything, but you also have to realize that a man who feels like he's constantly walking on balls will look for his happiness elsewhere. Because such a life is not happy. Sorry.

You are argumentative.
You are argumentative.

Many other actions that repel men:

You're too approachable. A man wants you to have your own life and knows that you can live without him, even if you love each other.
You play with him. Games never paid off in a relationship because everyone likes honesty because they want to know where they stand.
You are too jealous. A man wants to know that he can trust you.
You slander and speak badly of other people. All people do it, but everything has its limits. A man does not want to be around a woman with the label of a workaholic.

A good man will do absolutely anything to make you happy, but you can't expect that if you don't give him the same amount back. And vice versa!

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