
Bed fitness: positions between the sheets where you burn the most calories and shape your body

We don't think it's an exaggeration to say that there aren't many people who look forward to working out. According to the World Health Organization, obesity is on the rise in the Western world (it has even doubled since 1980), and getting people to go to the gym has become a real mission (impossible). So how can we solve this? We think we have found a solution. Namely, playing between the sheets. This is a good exercise in itself. But which positions are best for burning calories, building muscle, and shaping your body?

See below what their positions are best for burning calories, building muscle and shaping your body. Lots of fun!

Missionary position

Muscles that work: core, glutes, chest, back and arms.
One of the most 'ordinary' positions is actually a great workout. Men you can get into a pose for plank and you push with your pelvic muscles and not your lower back.

Women, if you want to get the most out of this 'workout', create leverage with your pelvic muscles and not your lower back.

Doggy position

Muscles that work: quadriceps, hamstrings, core, arms and shoulders.
Most men like this position for a reason that doesn't need to be mentioned here, but this position is also a good workout. Men you really have to work for the best possible calorie burn. The position can be done standing or lying on the bed. No matter what you choose, you'll be working your core with push-ups. If you stand on your toes, you will work for your feet. But you can work your hamstrings on the bed, and it's so good that you'll feel them for days to come.

Why not take advantage of the bed for exercise, where you will burn more calories than usual?
Why not take advantage of the bed for exercise, where you will burn more calories than usual?

In women this position activates the core muscles as well as the hamstrings and arms. To be stable and to be able to keep your balance even when a man 'throws' all his weight on you is more difficult than you might think. You'll work your arms by holding your weight up, or by finding a wall to put your hand on. This will work your core, arms and shoulders.


Muscles that work: whole body.
The bow position is actually suspiciously similar to the bridge position in yoga, which is used to relieve back pain. The woman should lie on her back, arms by her body, palms down, raise her back and legs to form an arch. Men let him be on his knees. As a man, you will work the same muscles as in the dog position. If you hold the woman's buttocks, you will also be working on your hands.

Women you can get ready for an intense workout for the whole body. You will work your glutes, hamstrings, core, upper and lower back, triceps and shoulders.

There are quite a few positions where you can burn a lot of calories and shape your body.
There are quite a few positions where you can burn a lot of calories and shape your body.


Muscles that work: whole body.
The bridge position is similar to the bow position, except that instead of the woman laying on her back and having her head on the bed, this time she will lay her legs and raise her torso, including her arms. This position can be very tiring and also very difficult. Men you'll work your core and hamstrings again, and if you hold the girl's butt, you'll also work your biceps and even your shoulders.

For women it's another full-body workout. All the muscles in your legs, core, back, shoulders and arms will work, and even your butt muscles (if you squeeze your butt).

A bridge for a man

Muscles that work: whole body.
There is also a bridge position for a man. It is quite demanding, so it is not recommended for beginners. Men you'll work your whole body, you'll activate your back, core, legs, shoulders, chest, biceps, triceps... It's also a great stretch for the spine and helps relieve lower back pain.

For women not so terrifying this time. Depending on its size and position, you will activate the thigh muscles and the muscles of the buttocks. If you can stand on your toes, you will also work your legs.

This exercise will work both men and women.
This exercise will work both men and women.


Muscles that work: biceps, pectorals, core, lats, hamstrings, trapezius and shoulders.
Another intense position. The woman looks at the ground, supports herself with her hands, the man grabs her thighs or hips. Men you will definitely work. When you hold her legs, you'll work your biceps, shoulders, and trapezius, and if you lift a little more, you'll also activate your back muscles. You will work on your legs if you bend them a little and shift the center to your knees. You will work your core muscles with push-ups and maintaining a straight posture.

For women it's a great core workout, and at the same time you'll be in a push-up pose, you'll work your chest, shoulders, triceps, and back.

It's a pretty advanced pose and it's best to only attempt it if you know you can handle it.

He holds her

Muscles that work: core, trapezius, arms and legs.
The woman should wrap her arms around the neck of the man, who is standing still, and ride him. The man should support her by holding her buttocks or putting her elbows on his knees. For men this pose is quite intense, especially for the core, arms, neck and even legs, regardless of its weight.

Also for women this is not an easy pose. To hold your weight, you will activate your legs, glutes, arms, shoulders, neck and back.

Why not have fun while exercising?
Why not have fun while exercising?

Reverse squat jean

Muscles that work: hamstrings, glutes, sword and core.
It's a fun pose that's a bit more difficult with a squat. Instead of the women having their knees on the floor, they now have their feet on the floor, the knees are straight, and they use their legs and hands to move up and down. Men to really practice this pose, you'll either need to lift your pelvis or take the reins and be the one leading the penetration. This will activate the kernel. If you offer your arms for support, you'll also work your biceps.

Women you'll work the same muscle group as you do with regular squats: hamstrings, glutes, glutes, core, and even arms if you put them on your knees for better stability.

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