
Before and after: the consequences of global warming in the picture

Global warming

No matter how hard some people try to prove that global warming is a myth and that man is not responsible for it, the photos published by Nasa on its website put them to the lie. The consequences of global warming, stimulated by human actions, are evident at every step. Increased melting of ice, changed rainfall patterns and stronger cyclones are just the tip of the iceberg. Shall we come to our senses before it's too late?

Nature for man's indifferent treatment of his only planet, he pays a heavy toll. Indeed, many places have been completely destroyed in the last few decades due to human-induced global warming. changed their image. But it's not just about looks. As a result of global warming, the existence of many animal and plant species is threatened, and shortages drinking water and food we don't even mention it.

READ MORE: Landmarks that will end up under water due to global warming

Pedersen Glacier, Alaska. Summer 1917 - Summer 2005
Pedersen Glacier, Alaska. Summer 1917 - Summer 2005

Increased quantities of carbon dioxide emissions they increase the possibility of flooding, famine, migration, conflict, and if global warming doesn't stop the horses (read: if we don't act), it will for years 2100 every tenth Earthling felt the effects of global warming. Even now, with our indifference, we have inflicted deep and incurable wounds on the Earth. And the gallery below is proof of how quickly hers is changing veduta. The changes are truly shocking!

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