
Bentley Flying Spur – in a world of its own

Bentley Flying Spur / Right side

In the world of kings, sheikhs, celebrities, managers of the largest corporations, only one can be good enough. Only one so prestigious. Only one so powerful. The Bentley Flying Spur is from another world. Yes, the fascination of the limousine.

Bentley Flying Spur represents a connection between status and position and rightly so, as it is a brand positioned in another world. Bentley with the vehicle, which was presented rejuvenated this spring, it remains above all faithful to its traditions of absolute perfection. No shocks or shocks. Bentley it is Bentley and Flying Spur its most important product. With which the brand must be successful on global markets.

Bentley Flying Spur / China as the largest market
Bentley Flying Spur / China as the largest market

China and the East is the market for this manufacturer, where it has the most customers. And Bentley he even adapted to it somewhat in terms of design. Taste and smell are going in a very global direction. There's nothing wrong with that in principle, if it's executed as perfectly as it does Flying Spur.

If the renewal of the brand meant years ago Continental GT and now Flying Spur because in sales figures that trump card of this manufacturer.

Bentley Flying Spur / Completely thought out and excellent interior
Bentley Flying Spur / Completely thought out and excellent interior

V interior the vehicle is shown extraordinary knowledge design and manual skills. If we look at the definition of perfection through a prism hand-stitched leather, hand polished wood surfaces and at the end of perfect processing of all other elements then it is Bentley with Flying Spur he performed his task with distinction. Despite the fact that the interior may seem a little out of touch with time to many, it has a typical style that is so special and unique to this brand. That simply enough when it comes to persuading gentlemen, who will mostly ride in the back seats.

Bentley Flying Spur / Its home environment is the freeways and the business district
Bentley Flying Spur / Its home environment is the freeways and the business district

It hides under the bonnet a monster with 12 cylinders and 6 working liters volume that can 616 horses strength and whole 800 Nm of torque. These numbers are insignificant when one learns that the Fyling Spur can also move with all its weight up to 322 km/h final speed and up to 100 km/h takes a mere 4.6 seconds. The consumption with these characteristics of the engine is, of course, not cheap and sometimes amounts to 24 liters per 100 km/h. But in the world Bentley Flying Spur so it doesn't matter.

Of course Bentley Flying Spur it's not an Audi RS or a BMW M. To reach the numbers, it needs a fast and flat road where there are no limits. Just like the world it comes from.

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