
Bermuda shorts: a returning trend that we will be wearing this summer

Photo: Zara.com

Bermuda shorts are back this summer. Some are excited, while others are a little more skeptical about this trend. See how we will wear them.

Historically, shorts were part of the uniform of British soldiers serving in tropical colonies. These were quickly gaining ground popularity also among the inhabitants of the island of Bermuda. At first, trousers were exclusively men's clothing, but later women began to use them as well. The laws there did not allow women to show their legs, so they soon became a popular summer garment for women.

Photo: Zara.com

Bermuda shorts are now making a comeback and offering completely new combinations. You can combine the pants with plain t-shirts, shirts, blouses and various blazers. They demand simple combinations and not too much elegance, as it is a style that is completely unencumbered and reminiscent of free time. You can wear both sneakers and high-heeled shoes with it.

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