
Shoes 2016: Converse offers waterproof sneakers for fall

Converse waterproof sneakers

Let the fall shoes of 2016 be sure to be waterproof Converse sneakers. No more wasting time and nerves choosing between ugly waterproof shoes or nice shoes that soon get you wet as a mouse. Converse's new Counter Climate Shield Canvas Collection combines water resistance with a cool look. The collection includes some of Converse's most iconic shoes, from the Chuch Taylor All Star II to the Jack Purcell Signature - all featuring waterproof materials, of course. The basic component material of the shoes is leather, protected with a waterproof coating. The collection is available in the official Converse online store.

Let fall shoes 2016  they belong Converse's Counter Climate Shield Canvas Collection. These Converse shoes that look similar to other famous Converse shoes – from the shoe Chuck Taylor All Star II to the shoe Jack Purcell Signaturee -, but in addition to looking really bad, they will also protected from autumn downpours.

READ MORE: The best sneakers of 2016: a fashion item that you simply cannot do without this year!

Sneakers in the fall!
Sneakers in the fall!

The shoes are treated with waterproof coating, and the reinforced tongue additionally protects against unwanted water drops and at the same time increases the comfort of wearing the shoe. Converse has crafted its collection down to the last detail. Because autumn and bad weather are also associated with poor visibility due to less sun, they are laces and heel shoes added elements that reflect light. Not only will you be in new shoes dryprotected you will too from careless drivers. The collection is available in the official Converse online store.

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