
The best European museums according to TripAdvisor

When you visit one of the world's metropolises, where do you turn first? Or do you also go to the museum? Are you interested in history, art and architecture? Are you astounded by the information about the royal families, their black coats, the skeleton of an extinct animal takes your breath away? If the answer is yes, then museums are definitely the place for you. There are quite a few of them in Europe, which are among the best, most popular or most prestigious in the world. We have prepared for you the 9 best museums of the old continent.

Rijksmuseum is the largest Dutch museum and at the same time a trademark of Amsterdam offers an excellent collection. It hides everything from Rembrandt's Night Watch to distinctive blue and white Delft ceramics. Egyptian Museum is an archaeological museum in Italian Turin, specializing in Egyptian archeology and anthropology. Acropolis Museum in Athens is an archaeological museum that focuses on archaeological finds from the Athenian Acropolis. The building itself is also famous, as it is built exclusively of stone from the Greek Bronze Age to the era of Byzantine Greece. We are going to the north of Europe. Every visitor Stockholm you must be a seafarer the VASA museum a must see. In it, the ship VASA, which was rescued after 333 years from the bottom of the sea, where it rested since sinking during the christening in 1628, is on display. It stands in London National Gallery, whose collection has 2,300 paintings and includes works from the middle of the 13th century to the year 1900. Victoria and Albert Museum (London) is the leading museum of art and design in the world, where you will be able to see over 2.3 million exhibited products that show as many as 5,000 years of human creation. The Prado Museum is Spain's main national art museum and is centrally located Madrid. State Hermitage Museum and Winter Palace is a museum of art and culture that began its story back in 1764, when Queen Catherine the Great bought a stunning collection of paintings from the Prussian merchant Johann Ernst Gotzkowsky. D'Orsay is the national museum of France, which stands in the center of Paris on the left bank of the Seine.

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