
The best mobile relaxation apps you can download right now

A busy daily schedule can quickly throw us off track and bring stress and anxiety into our lives. The best relaxation apps will help you finally breathe again.

Is stress your daily nuisance? Then they can help you with that the best relaxation apps. Daily urgent tasks, deadlines that we cannot postpone, working late into the night, harsh words exchanged with a loved one: our head goes to sleep every night full of worries about tomorrow. Stress is more and more common in today's pace of life, which has a serious impact on our health. Sleep disturbances, malaise, missed opportunities... all this is a clear indication that we need to change something about ourselves, stop and take a deep breath.

But it's hard to help yourself if you simply don't know how. We learned how to work, but not how to know ourselves. A professional can help us with this, but it is not exactly cheap. What about those devices that make us always available to everyone? Although they themselves cause stress, they can cause us too much the best relaxation apps help overcome stress. We will list some smartphone apps that will prepare you for new challenges through relaxation methods.

Best relaxation apps:

10% Happier

People are different and what is sacred to one person may be larifari to another. People also look at meditation from different angles. The 10% Happier application is intended for skeptics. More than meditation and the search for the inner self, the application focuses on how to improve our productivity. Recommended especially for people with a stressful job.

The application is intended for beginners, and its content can be tested for one week. After that, the paid period starts, which costs $100 per year (calculated approx 91 euros).

Calm down

Some are not looking for ways to stimulate their creativity and ability to think deeply, but rather how to calm down. How going to bed more relaxed and how to start the new day more positively. Calm offers a variety of different meditations that include soothing music, storytelling, and breathing exercises. Meditations can be short, up to 3 minutes, or long, up to 25 minutes.

Upon payment of the subscription, other ways of relaxation and even more soothing music are opened to us. Great app for beginners.

Stop, Breathe, and Think

Our emotions sometimes take over us and because of them we do something that, if we had thought about it before, we would not have done it. The Stop, Breathe, and Think app helps us better understand our current emotions. When we start the application, we enter our current emotion into it. Through exercises, meditation, maybe even yoga, the app teaches us how to calm down. By recording our feelings, we will also understand them better in the long run and react differently to them.

In principle, the application is free, but upon additional payment the user will receive additional music, meditative and other exercises.


Sometimes you just need something to distract yourself from all your worries. Colorfy is an extremely popular coloring book for adults. We can color hundreds of different patterns, from famous pictures and drawings to Tibetan mandalas. In the meantime, painting patterns takes our mind off everything else.

With an additional fee, an even greater number of drawings will be available, with which we can be distracted.

Smiling Mind

The app is tailored for both children and adults, as it tackles both classroom and workplace stress. The authors of the application say that people think too much about what happened yesterday and what will happen tomorrow, and we don't focus enough on the present. Smiling Mind is supposed to restore the user's sense of control over himself and focus him on the present. A series of different meditative exercises will help him in this, which will record stress before and after the exercise.

The application is completely free.

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