
The best movie dialogues of all time

Movie quotes

Be it movies of any genre, some of them stuck in our memory mainly because of the dialogues. Although it is ungrateful to choose only ten among so many excellent dialogues, the fact that these are true verbal miniatures cannot be disputed. These are the best movie dialogues ever. Do you agree with the selection?

What are the best movie dialogues of all time? Many films have gone down in history not only because of a superb story or performance, but also because of quotes and dialogues, which have become part of pop culture.

READ MORE: Famous pop culture quotes that were never actually said

Uma Thurman in the movie Shund.
Uma Thurman in the movie Shund

CineFix he dug into the film archives and prepared a list of the ten best movie dialogues of all time. Even if you think one is missing, there's no denying the fact that it's one of the most legendary, and proof that sometimes dialogues the best way to tell a story.

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