
Best podcasts 2020: Mindfulness podcasts to help you calm down and de-stress

The Best Mindfulness Podcasts 2020 Will Help You Live in the Moment!

Mindfulness is all the rage right now, but don't let that put you off this trend, it's so popular for a number of reasons. Living in the moment and avoiding overthinking are just two small parts of the path to practicing mindfulness, where they come in extremely handy. best podcasts 2020 for mindfulness.

With so many podcasts, apps, and countless tips found on the internet, it's about time you had a short but sweet list to make your life easier.

Some podcasts are meditative, others are a sort of mix of roundtables, chat opportunities from experts speaking from their own experiences. It is also found in between a podcast for younger listeners, because after all, it's never too early to distract little ones from screens and teach them to live in the moment.

Below are podcasts worth subscribing to.


Apple Podcasts

This podcast is a combination of meditative mindfulness and practice, so it's great for beginners or as an introduction. With chats about where exactly the path to mindfulness will lead, as well as conversations about attitudes around the topic, this is a great podcast to keep you in the moment. It's also an ideal way to notice smaller everyday details that you might otherwise overlook.


The Overwhelmed Brain

Apple Podcasts

Covering everything from toxic relationships to anxiety and stress, The Overwhelmed Brain is a podcast for those who want to ask questions and delve into the human psyche. Paul Colaianni's self-help podcast is definitely an interesting listen for anyone who wants to understand why we humans are programmed to think the way we do.




It's probably one of the better-known names when it comes to mindfulness apps. But Headspace also has a handy podcast that you can find on their website. This well-rounded podcast covers everything from stress to movement to happiness, and even includes suggestions for guided walks and roundtable discussions.



Life Listened

The podcast is the result of lifestyle blogger Sarah James and psychotherapist Kristen Howerton joining forces to produce a self-help guide. It is an in-depth look at everyday topics that are often overlooked, including, "Why am I not eating as I should?", and "How do I get enough sleep?". It is a conversational podcast that covers both small "nonsense" and very serious conversations. It's also worth a listen if you're into interesting, educational listening.



Apple Podcasts

Created by Meg Kissack, the podcast is for dreamers and creatives who want something different in life. A new episode is released every Monday, and the podcast features chats about life, inspirational stories and new experiences that combine to make for a truly engaging and stimulating listen.


Peace Out

Bed Time

If you're looking for short, calming podcasts that are easy to listen to and ideal for incorporating into your child's bedtime routine, then Peace Out is a great choice. It consists of short stories that are perfect for adults who want to practice mindfulness, as well as for children who want to listen to stories. It's a short but enjoyable listen and a great introduction to the concept.



Apple Podcasts

The world is so busy, is there really a time in the day when we can meditate? The answer is definite "YES!". A combination of interviews with meditation teachers and those who just love to practice, this podcast is a great way to incorporate the art of meditation into our daily lives.


The Daily Meditation


The podcast is for those who simply don't have enough hours in the day. The daily podcast lasts exactly 8 minutes, making it short enough to fit into busy schedules. It is led by meditation teacher, Mary Meckley, who aims to improve our focus, reduce stress and relax us.


The Anxiety Guy

Apple Podcasts

This is a podcast born from personal experiences. It was created by Dennis Simsek, a former professional tennis player who struggled with panic disorder and anxiety for 6 years. Today, you are a life coach who helps others with your experiences. The podcast covers the topic of depression, how to manage stress and issues related to anxiety. Worth a listen.


The Ezra Klein Show

Apple Podcasts

Produced by Vox, this podcast takes a close look at what drives people. Have you ever wondered why some people rise to the top of their profession almost effortlessly, why some politicians complain and others don't, or why COVID-19 is more patient than humans? This podcast looks at the background of the day's news to find out why people act the way they do.


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