
Big Bend: U-shaped skyscraper, 'world's longest building' to rise in New York

In Manhattan, New York, skyscrapers are growing taller and taller like mushrooms after the rain. But Greek architect Ioannis Oikonomou hopes to break a new record. His company Oiio Studio has designed a U-shaped tower block called Big Bend, which, if all goes well, will become the 'longest building in the world' (it will measure approximately 1,219 meters in length).

At the company Oiio Studio they designed extremely tall and slender high-rise building, bent in half, which at first glance resembles some daring death train. It will be from the sidewalk to the top as much as 60 meters higher than the current tallest building in New York, One World Trade Center.
For now, Big Bend is only on paper. Oikonomou told Business Insider that he had already sent the design to some construction companies and is currently still looking for investors.

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This is Big Bend, the 'longest' building in the world
This is Big Bend, the 'longest' building in the world.

The apartment building is supposed to be located otherwise to the south side of Central Park, in an area known as 'Billionare's Row'.
"The Big Bend was designed, among other things, to emphasize the fact that New York has become one big hotel," says Oikonomou, citing a recent trend where people they buy apartments without using them for their most primary purpose, i.e. a home.

Gallery - Big Bend: U-shaped high-rise, 'world's longest building' to rise in New York

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