
Preparing food in the washing machine - an innovative way of cooking

Sous La Vie food bags.

You've probably heard of many types of food preparation methods, but certainly not something like Iftach Gazit's idea. A student from Tel Aviv has created a unique set of food bags that are not prepared in a pot, pan, oven or microwave, but in the washing machine.

Vacuum sealed bags for food Sous La Vie are made of waterproof material. The inspiration for making them was sous-vide (French term for sous vide cooking) cooker, which enables the preparation of roast meat in a vacuum in a temperature-stable environment, which improves results, resulting in e.g steak it's not hard and burnt on the outside, but it's still bloody on the inside.

You can also prepare fish in the washing machine.
You can also prepare fish in the washing machine.

Instead of cooking with this special cooker at temperature 58 degrees Celsius, which few people have at home, rather throw the bag away Sous La Vie together with dirty laundry into the washing machine, set the prescribed washing program and, together with clean laundry, you will pull out a delicious meal from the drum.

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Food information is similar to how laundry information is provided.
Food information is similar to how laundry information is provided.

If you are cooking meat, set the program for synthetics and long wash. If you are cooking vegetables, you must 'wash' the food for a short time and set the program for washing cotton. The rules for cooking food in a washing machine are written according to the principle of feeding washing information on clothes.

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