
Big Clapper is a robot on a mission to make all of humanity happy

Robots are becoming a normal part of life. That's why you don't have to be surprised when, while walking through the city streets, you will be interrupted by a robot that will try to lure you into the store by clapping. Yes, that will soon be possible too!

Big Clapper was created as part of an art project aimed at brightening the world. A red robot, which greets people with applause, attracts attention mainly with the unusual head on top of which it is a pair of clapping hands.

The Big Clapper has a motion sensor that detects passers-by and rewards them with one of the 30 variations of your performance. It will thrill you with coordinated clapping rhythm and clapping on demand combined with music.

The creation was signed by a Japanese designer Masoto Takahashi. This one initially produced a single pair of clapping hands and a whole wall made up of them. Then he realized that such an object was intimidating, so he decided to try his luck with a clapping robot.

Takahashi first created just a pair of clapping hands.
Takahashi first created just a pair of clapping hands.

He presented the prototypes of the robot at this year's conference CES. In his desire to obtain funds that would help him in production, he also turned to Kickstarter. The robot is primarily intended for shops that want to attract new customers to their premises.

The Big Clapper will bring some laughter into your life.
The Big Clapper will bring some laughter into your life.

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