
Your birth month reveals which flower brings you luck

Photo: Envato

And you must have this flower in the house, because it protects you from problems and attracts luck. Do you have a favorite flower? Is this really the one that brings you happiness? Check!

Nature is full of symbols and wonderful energy that surrounds us. When we are in harmony with it, inner peace awakens in us and absolute harmony reigns.

It is believed that everyone has their own special flower that protects them from negative energy and brings them luck.

Find out what your flower is according to your birth month - try to have it in your home as often as possible to attract good luck.

January – Burdock

These people are temperamental and courageous. They often act aggressively and are devoted solely to their ambitions, but in essence they are very kind and have a vulnerable heart. When you have them in your family or circle of friends, know that you can always rely on them and that is a real treasure.

Mimosa. Photo: Florencia Galan / Unsplash

February – Mimosa

These people are very sensitive, it is easy to offend them. They are hardworking and responsible, they want their work to be appreciated. In love, they demand attention and can be capricious. They often have mood swings, but when you accept them with all their flaws and good sides, you will realize that these people are beings full of light. Their soul is extremely pure and gentle. They often work against themselves to please others.

March – Lotus

Your flower by month of birth is a gentle and zen lotus. These people have a calm but extremely curious nature. Easily adapts to any situation. They have a variety of interests and many friends, and radiate a wonderful energy that attracts. They are focused more on the emotional and spiritual than on the material. Family is the goal of their life. When they convey love, they do it with all their heart.

Lotus. Photo: Jay Castor/Unsplash

April – Hydrangea

This person is generous, empathetic and loves to have fun. He always has a large circle of acquaintances. She is capable of achieving great things in life, but she does not know how to save. She very often helps others or gives something to them without expecting anything in return. The only drawback is that they are impatient. They are dedicated in their family life, they often change jobs and professions. They like change.

May – Smarnica

These people are really special and genuine. They are distinguished by extraordinary beauty, tenderness, generous hearts and a clear mind. Their weakness is that they often rely on other people, so they can be hurt or disappointed many times. They live according to their wishes, and use their free time to spend time with the people they love. They never forgive betrayal, and in love they are romantic, passionate and devoted.

Lily of the valley. Photo: Jeffrey Hamilton/Unsplash

June – Ambrosia

Ambrosia is quiet, calm, an observer who has the perfect harmony between romance and courage. Most people born in this month find it difficult to find new love because they do not trust people. They are shy, but in a critical situation they are capable of brave action. They are dedicated to nurturing their nature, and their mission throughout life is peace.

July – Tulip

The tulip is a symbol of wealth, ambition and fame. It indicates attachment and a passionate, strong person who knows what she wants from life. It is also the flower of tender love, so these people are extremely romantic and eternally in love. They stand out as wonderful, forgiving friends, and once you gain their trust, they will be your lifelong companions.

A rose. Photo: Oscar Helgstrand/Unsplash

August – Rose

The rose is the queen of flowers and is used to being the first in everything. She is too demanding of herself, sometimes self-critical. It always dominates in love relationships. He has to watch out for envious and toxic people, but he also knows how to deal with problems. She never leaves things unresolved and when you hurt her she will show you her thorns.

September – Carnation

He is a real fighter for the truth, even to his own detriment, and a defender of all the humiliated and offended. A person with such a direct character as a carnation is a wonderful friend and leader. Carnation in the family is a true blessing. This person can be a workaholic, can do several jobs at the same time. He does not tolerate betrayal and is afraid of trouble. Loyalty is most important to her in love.

Carnation. Photo: Fly D / Unsplash

October - Resje

People born under the sign of seriousness are inevitable generalists. Nature has gifted them with the ability to be precise, they have an analytical way of thinking. In friendship, they will never leave you in trouble. They easily go through difficulties, they are ready for failures and disappointments. Love is important to them, but if it is not there, they do not give up. They are faithful and caring in marriage.

November – Orchid

Orchids are mysterious. They are not very honest even with their loved ones, they usually always have some kind of secret. Such a position in life has its advantages, the orchid always takes what belongs to it. Patient and able to wait - she knows what she wants and lives for herself.

December – Lavender

She likes freedom, lives with full lungs. It does not tolerate restrictions and regulations. With such qualities, she manages to make a career, and it also helps her to always think soberly. She changes jobs often but never runs out of money. All life is learning through life, love, persistence. It becomes more balanced with age.

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