Very successful people also have their habits to thank for their success, but if many can be an inspiration to us, there are also some that are downright bizarre. We can certainly classify some eating habits. Did you know that Nicolas Cage refuses to eat pork because pigs don't have decent sex? Or that Steve Jobs ate only carrots for so long that his skin turned orange? Check out other bizarre eating habits of highly successful people.
Eating habits some very successful people are downright bizarre. Admittedly, these personalities can be a great example for us, but we should draw the line here, because most of these diets are totally hacked. But that's how it is with great minds and champions. These are some a special breed of people, so their behavior, which is sometimes incomprehensible to an ordinary person, must be understood.
The most bizarre eating habits of highly successful people:
In 2011, Mark Zuckerberg ate only the meat of those animals that he killed with his own hands. He challenged himself to show gratitude for the food he receives. A year later, he stopped this type of diet.
Renee Zellweger eats ice cubes every day between meals, which she has instead of a snack. This keeps you full all the time.
Angelina Jolie Pitt ate cockroaches during her stay in Cambodia. When Jolie travels abroad, she is like the locals, and she also encourages her family to imitate her.
Victoria Beckham: There is always an exact amount of calories on her plate. He just tastes the food, chews it and then spits it out.
The founder of the computer giant Apple, Steve Jobs, ate the same type of food as apples and carrots for weeks together. He once ate so many carrots that his skin turned bright orange.
Nicolas Cage is not a porker because he thinks pigs don't have dignified sex. That is why he enjoys eating fish and poultry, as he believes that the sexual life of these animals is dignified.
The employees of the business magnate Howard Hughes had to wrap his spoons in tissue paper and cellophane, as the famous businessman suffered from bacillophobia.
The famous American industrialist Henry Ford ate grass from his own garden. Ford looked at the body like a car, like an internal combustion engine that needs fuel. Because of this mindset, he never went to the grocery store, preferring to subsist on weeds from the garden, which often ended up in a sandwich.
Even when dining out, Playboy father Hugh Hefner eats food from the Playboy Mansion. His meal (mutton and baked potato) is always prepared by his chef and delivered to him, while the Playboy Bunnies can choose from the restaurant's menu as they please.
Microsoft founder Bill Gates ate only Tang instant fruit drinks for a while. When he was working as a programmer in a computer company in Oregon in the 70s and with his colleagues (Matthew and Marc Jacob) the working day stretched into the night, instead of coffee he stayed awake with Tango, except that he did not mix the powder with water, but drank it. directly into the vein".
The current number one in men's tennis, Novak Djokovic, has a very strict diet and only consumes gluten-free food (he also avoids caffeine, dairy products and processed or refined sugar), and in 2011 the world was talking about him not only because of his victory on the holy grass (Wimbledon), but also because he ate some grass after the win, which he later joked was quite tasty.
One of the best horror writers Stephen King always eats a piece of cheese cake before writing. It's also nothing that's smooth and slimy.
The famous novelist Vladimir Nabokov collected and ate butterflies. As he says, he felt no difference in taste between the monarch and the viceroy.
The artist Andy Warhol used to eat a whole cake by himself and once at the airport, when the controllers checked his bag, it was full of sweets, chewing gum and cookies. He really had a big sweet tooth and didn't hide it.
The father of the theory of evolution, Charles Darwin, tried almost every animal he discovered. Including iguanas, armadillos, turtles and owls.
Singer Fergie (Black Eyed Peas) once revealed that she usually drinks two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar three times a day, saying it's good for her stomach.
George Washington spent $200 on ice cream alone in the summer of 1970. He used to be crazy about walnuts, but he realized that years of rubbing the shell against his teeth was damaging his teeth, so he switched to ice cream.
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