
If you drink black coffee without additives, you might be a psychopath

Avoid people who drink unadulterated black coffee because…

Well, at least according to a study published in the journal Appetite, where they found a link between a love of black coffee and sadistic or psychopathic tendencies.

V researchi involved more than 1,000 adults who were asked to list their favorite flavors in food. Participants completed a series of personality tests assessing antisocial personality traits such as sadism, narcissism and psychopathy.

A study conducted by researchers University of Innsbruck, she showed, gives a preference for bitter tastes associated with psychopathic behavior.

Bitter black coffee is said to be preferred by psychopaths.
Bitter black coffee is said to be preferred by psychopaths.

The closest connection is between bitter foods and 'everyday sadism' – that is, pleasure that causes moderate levels of pain to others.

And it's not just black coffee we should be concerned about—the study also found that participants who reported a love of radish, celery and tonic, also showed antisocial traits.

Even green lovers have some antisocial behavior.
Even green lovers have some antisocial behavior.

This is not the first time that researchers have found a link between tastes and personality. Previous studies showed that sweet tastes increase agreeableness and willingness to help, while bitter tastes increase hostility and harsher moral judgments. A researcher Christina Sagioglou and Tobias Greitemeyer they believe that this association can become 'chronic' in people who prefer bitter tastes, which can lead them to become more hostile.

So if your next date orders a strong, black coffee after a meal or reaches for a stalk of celery, we've warned you.

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