Ulric Collette is a self-taught photographer from Canada. Through studying art and graphic design, he discovered a passion for unusual juxtapositions. In the "Genetic Portraits" series of photomontages, he compared relatives.
How much we are similar because of family ties, the series will clearly show us photomontage, where Ulric via photo montage comparison sons and fathers, mothers and daughters, brothers and sisters, cousins.
He does all this with an excellent sense of photomontage, in which there is no noticeable transition between one face and the other. Thus, the portraits come to life in an extremely interesting light. The whole thing turns out to be fascinating and even a little scary.
The portraits were also part of the advertising campaign and competed for the prize "Cannes Lion” as part of the famous advertising festival.
"Check the entire gallery and try to guess the family ties."
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