
BMW i Vision Circular Concept: we'll be driving cars like this in 2040

BMW i Vision Circular Concept; Photo: press.bmwgroup.com

The BMW i Vision Circular concept is a compact four-seater electric car that, according to BMW, will be relevant around 2040.

Focus of the conceptual BMW i Vision Circular, will be on luxury and sustainability, with the goal of being just 100% of a car made of recycled materials. The term recycled materials also includes battery, which will be recyclable, and thus they will be able to store in it more electricity and thus reduced the use of scarce raw materials. i Vision Circular is extremely futuristic from a design point of view, for the year 2040 however, he also expects.

The so-called ʺkidneysʺ are still present, and the headlights have been moved to the edge of the car. The windshield and the roof are made of one scythe and give a greater feeling of open space. The interior is made of different materials using the technique ʺassociationsʺ. In this case it is about 3D printed a dashboard that is made in one piece and does not need glue to stick. Instead of a traditional touch screen, information is displayed on informational plates, which is placed under the windshield. The lavender colored seats are also made from recycled materials and set into golden frames. The BMW i Vision Circular Concept is still far from series production, but despite everything, it indicates the direction in which it will go in the future submitted by BMW.

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