
BMW i3: The electric pioneer that changed the game – still the best electric BMW

The best electric BMW ever

BMW i3
Photo: BMW

The BMW i3 was more than just a car. He was a pioneer who predicted the future of electric mobility. But would it still rule the roads today with a bigger battery?

When BMW introduced the i3 in 2013, it was the moment that took electric cars from the niche to the mainstream. There was a time when electric cars were still more of an experiment than a reality. The BMW i3, however, changed that – becoming a symbol of innovation and boldness that moved the automotive industry forward.

Development of the BMW i3: The journey from idea to reality

Development BMW i3 started with an ambitious idea: to create a car that is not only electric, but also sustainable and technologically advanced. BMW's “Project i” was conceived as an incubator for innovation, and the i3 was its first child.

The body of the i3 was made of carbon fiber, which was revolutionary at the time. This material was not only light, but also extremely strong, which made it possible to reduce the weight of the vehicle and thus increase its efficiency. The interior was made from sustainable materials such as recycled plastic and natural fibres, underscoring the model's ecological awareness.

What made the BMW i3 so special

The BMW i3 was not just another electric car – it was a design and technological masterpiece. Its compact size, futuristic design and advanced technologies set it apart from the competition. It had a distinctive double row of doors that opened in opposite directions, allowing easier access to the rear seats.

The drive was mounted on the rear axle, which allowed for better balance and driving characteristics. The electric motor produced 125 kW (170 hp) and 250 Nm of torque, enabling acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in 7.2 seconds. This was remarkable for the time, especially for a city car.

The revolution brought about by the BMW i3

The BMW i3 was the first carbon fiber production car and one of the first mass-produced electric cars. With a range of around 160 km (99 miles), it was ideal for city driving, a complete game changer for city dwellers.

Photo: BMW

Sales figures and market impact

The BMW i3 was received with enthusiasm. It was sold in more than 74 countries, with total sales reaching over 200,000 units. This was a remarkable achievement for an electric car at the time. Its success showed that the market was ready for an electric future and encouraged other manufacturers to start developing their own electric models.

Would a bigger battery keep the BMW i3 relevant in 2024?

One of the main criticisms of the BMW i3 was its relatively small battery. Although it was ideal for city driving, its range limited its usefulness on longer journeys. Later models got bigger batteries, but the question remains - could it still be relevant today with a bigger battery?

With a larger battery that would allow a range of around 300 km (186 miles), the BMW i3 would certainly retain its appeal in 2024. Its innovative design and advanced technologies would still compete with modern electric cars. Also, increased battery capacity would improve its usability and attract even more buyers.

BMW i3 it still competes with modern vehicles today, not only with its advanced technology, but also with its innovative approach to sustainability and design.

Back in 2013, BMW seemed to know exactly what it needed to do to create a car that really stood out. The BMW i3 was designed with a clear goal - not only to achieve success in the market, but also to set new standards for the entire industry. And they succeeded. Its lightweight carbon fiber body, recycled interior and advanced powertrain put the i3 at the forefront of technological innovation. BMW has shown with this car that it can combine durability, performance and design in one vehicle.

However, it seems that in 2024, BMW is no longer as bold and innovative as it was when the i3 was launched. Despite many successful models, they seem to have lost some of that pioneering spirit that marked their past. Although they are still among the leading automakers, they seem to be avoiding repeating the revolutionary step they took with the i3. Maybe they're risk-averse, maybe they're too focused on commercial success, but losing that innovative spark could do long-term damage to a brand that was once synonymous with boldness and breakthrough.

The BMW i3 is the way good, no, great stories are made. This model is not just a car, but the manifestation of a vision of what is possible when knowledge, creativity and courage come together. If BMW continues in this direction and continues to bet on innovation and boldness, it could maintain its leadership in the industry and continue to set standards. Instead, they seem to have stopped and are afraid to repeat that step into the unknown that brought them to the top.

Photo: BMW

Could this be a loss for a brand that was once so innovative? Undoubtedly. But perhaps the BMW i3 is the reminder that they need to get back to their roots and start creating cars that don't just follow trends, but create them. The BMW i3 is not only a success story, but also a lesson in how the limits of what is possible are being pushed. If they know how to revive this lesson, they have a bright future ahead of them.

Technological features that put the BMW i3 on a pedestal

The BMW i3 is not only a pioneer in the world of electric vehicles, but also a technological masterpiece that stands out with its unique features:

  1. Carbon fiber bodywork: The BMW i3 was the first production car to use a carbon fiber body. This material is extremely light and strong, which improves vehicle performance and increases energy efficiency.
  2. Durable materials inside: The interior of the i3 is made from recycled and renewable materials such as recycled plastics, natural fibers and even wool. This underlines BMW's approach to sustainability and environmental responsibility.
  3. Innovative design: The i3 boasts distinctive counter-opening doors that allow easier access to the rear seats. In addition, the car has a very spacious and open cabin with a flat floor, which increases comfort and usability.
  4. Electric drive: The BMW i3 is equipped with an electric motor that produces 125 kW (170 hp) and 250 Nm of torque, enabling acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in 7.2 seconds. The engine is mounted on the rear axle, which improves balance and driving characteristics.
  5. Optional range extender: One of the unique aspects of the i3 is the option to add a range extender - a small petrol engine that acts as a generator and extends the vehicle's range. This solution eliminates range issues and allows for longer rides without worry.
  6. Advanced technologies: The BMW i3 is equipped with advanced technologies such as a navigation system, Bluetooth connectivity, parking sensors, automatic wipers and LED daytime running lights. In addition, it supports fast charging via the CCS port, which enables fast charging of the battery.
  7. Production based on green energy: The factory where the BMW i3 was produced is entirely powered by green energy. This underlines BMW's commitment to sustainability not only in the product, but also in the manufacturing process.
Photo: BMW


The BMW i3 was more than just a car – it was a revolution. With its innovative design, advanced technologies and sustainable materials, it has set new standards in the automotive industry. Although there are already a number of new electric cars on the market today, the BMW i3 remains a symbol of boldness and innovation.

Could it still be relevant in 2024 with a bigger battery? Probably. But regardless, the BMW i3 will always have a special place in motoring history as a pioneer who showed what was possible.

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