
BMW R1100 KHAN: a futuristic motorcycle that belongs to the driver from the film Blade Runner


This truly interesting motorcycle concept shows the future of the BMW brand as envisioned by Turkish designer Mehmet Erdem. He has created a few motor and other automotive concepts in the past at his Istanbul-based design company. This is the eighth BMW motorcycle concept that has a unique and authentic vision of the BMW brand in the next era.

Besides the interesting name of the concept, it seems to be a stylized design KHAN quite suitable for a cinematic portrayal within a film Blade Runner. Of course, if this vehicle was produced, I would be happy to use it Rick Deckard. Mainly because of the completely new engine design and, of course, incredible performance that can only be admired on paper. Similar to the movie Blade Runner, which is science fiction, this concept will almost certainly not become reality either. And it will only be a concept. But we definitely like the drama of the design and aesthetics, which shows the boldness and future of these types of products.

Image gallery: BMW R1100 KHAN

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