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Bob is currently the most popular hairstyle in the world

The power of a good haircut should not be underestimated. Not only can you express yourself with it and it is an important part of your identity, it can also be a way to cope with life experiences, be it a major turning point in life or an honorable memory of a loved one.

Of course, there are many different hairstyles that you can experiment with and it feels like you're on a journey trying to find the one that will make you feel the most confident and powerful. However, a recent survey revealed that one hairstyle in particular reigns supreme throughout the world.

In a list of over 170 different hairstyles, they analyzed Google search data worldwide and found that the most popular is none other than classic bob. The expressions around the word "bob" range from incredible 222,580 average monthly searches and is the most popular hair look in 52 countries, including the UK, USA, Belgium and Germany. Bob is coming “bun” with 85,890 average monthly searches and “bangs” with 85,830.

Why is the bob so popular?

It is said to have been invented in 1909 by a Parisian hairdresser Antoine de Paris, which used Joan of Arc as inspiration, and the timeless hairstyle became all the rage in the 1920s. Breaking away from the archaic belief that long hair signifies femininity, the bob has become a symbol of a shift in society. Today, it is praised for its low maintenance and can be worn in a variety of ways, from the French bob (when the length usually reaches the corner of the mouth) to the asymmetrical bob (where one side is slightly longer than the other) and even the lob (a slightly longer version of the bob).

If you too are struggling with the decision – bob yes or no – we've rounded up some of our favorite bob styles for inspiration.

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