
Body language: what it means if your arms are crossed

Photo: envato

When you see someone standing with their arms folded, don't assume what it means, as there are many reasons why people may have their arms folded. Body language reveals a lot about a person.

Men often cross their arms and straighten themselves as much as possible to appear bigger and more dominant. With this, they can non-verbally communicate to the person that they do not want to get involved in conflicts with them.

When women feel uncomfortable with men's gazes, they will often cross their arms over their chests, as this makes them feel less exposed. Men also behave this way when they feel uncomfortable and insecure in the company of another man.

They are nervous or scared

Crossed arms help people overcome certain psychological tensions, such as nervousness and fear. In this case, people often know how to touch the neck - this is a clear sign that someone is tense, nervous, insecure...

What does his body language convey? Photo: Milan Csizmadia / Unsplash

Crossed arms and moving one hand to touch the neck have the same meaning.

They are reluctant or frustrated

People cross their arms when they are upset, mostly to calm themselves down. This behavior is quite common in children, for example, when they are angry or do not want to do something, they will cross their arms tightly, sometimes combined with clenched fists. Adults behave similarly in such situations.

It reflects the behavior of other people

People can unconsciously copy each other, for example the postures in which they stand. For example, two men are standing with their arms crossed, both leaning on a wall with one shoulder and their legs crossed.

Perhaps he feels uneasy? Photo: Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

At such a scene, many would think that there is some kind of conflict between them. But it's not like that - they mirror each other, the position of their legs reveals that everything is fine between them. They have their arms crossed because it makes them feel more comfortable while talking.

They want to isolate themselves

People often cross their arms when they meet someone they don't like, because that way they create a kind of barrier, that is, they feel more secure.

They are cold

Of course, when they are cold, they will automatically fold their arms to keep warm. You too, right?

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