
Bogdan Gîrbovan: same apartments, different personalities

Romanian photographer Bogdan Gîrbovan captured and documented the residents and their apartments in the same apartment building in Bucharest. Although the apartments have the same shape, each expresses something different – the personality and social status of the apartment owners.

Photographer Bogdan Gîrbovan was helping his neighbor repair a door one day and noticed that his apartment of the same shape, but it was felt and seen completely different.

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This inspired Gîrbovan to be documented ways, how people express through their living space. Every photo is taken from the same point of view (to show the same layout of the apartment), but shows a very different image. The result is a range of different tastes for interior decoration, a different range of personality and social status of the home owners.

You can see photos of Bogdan Gîrbovan in the photo gallery.

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