
Boiler Lamp – lamps made from worn-out coffee machines

Collection of lights "Boiler Lamp"

The Boiler Lamp collection of modern lights is the first result of the research project The City as a Mine, in which the Finnish designer Willem Heeffer explores the possibilities of reusing discarded materials.

Willem Heeffer is a designer from Helsinki who studies ways of reusing materials discarded from factories. For now, the results have led him to an innovative project The City as a Mine; the first result is a collection of contemporary lights Boiler Lamp, which Heeffer made from dilapidated coffee machines. Williem used copper in the production of sophisticated matte white and black ceiling and floor lamps coffee boilers, which were in use for at least ten years before being discarded. In doing so, he managed to transform local trash into aesthetic home accessories that fascinate with a matte exterior, a contrasting shiny interior and asymmetrical holes through which they randomly escape rays of light.

READ MORE: 9 simple tips on how to properly light the apartment

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