
Bombardier Challenger 350: luxury above the clouds

Bombardier Challenger 350: luxury above the clouds

Bombardier aircraft can boast the flattering title of best-selling business aircraft in the last decade. It takes a lot of effort to achieve this, and to offer guests the best technology and unrivaled luxury. The Bombardier Challenger 350 uses the same formula and offers just that, luxury among the clouds, suitable for individual desires.

Bombardier Challenger 350 it combines high performance, modern technology and luxury that meets the owner's wishes and taste. On board a business jet, every part is carefully designed to passengers conjured up an unforgettable experience among and above the clouds.

Bombardier Challenger 350 has enough space for 10 people, which have comfortable chairs that can be moved in several directions. Greet them upon arrival wooden and stone pod, to make you feel at home. Metal trim and clever folding tables add to the feel comforts and spaciousness, while large windows and touch screens help to achieve the right balance between aesthetics and ergonomics.

Bombardier Challenger 350 has in him the latest technology, which allows passengers to have cabin settings in your hands. The infotainment system allows uninterrupted viewing of movies on high-resolution screens that are currently available the best in the classroom, or they devote themselves to work and are constantly connected to the world via an Internet signal.

Crystal clear sound comes from the built-in speakers, which are just as well leading in business class. Upon purchase of the aircraft, the future owner participates with the team interior designers of the Bombardier Challenger 350 aircraft, to prepare this after to the client's taste. The future owner can bring pictures of their home and choose their favorite colors to make the plane feel right if it's homemade.

Bombardier Challenger 350
Bombardier Challenger 350

The business jet does not disappoint even during the flight. S with full tanks of fuel and at maximum occupancy can travel 3200 nautical miles far and flies almost 14 kilometers high, due to which it can reach its destination faster and more efficiently, because it flies above commercial passenger traffic and se avoids inconveniences with the weather.

They are carefully designed to ensure a comfortable flight wings, engines and landing gear. When it comes to luxury among the clouds, it will be difficult to find anything more suitable than a Bombardier business jet.

Gallery: Bombardier Challenger 350

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