
Border Mover – a Slovenian installation that moves borders!

Border Mover

Border Mover is a Slovenian pneumatic video installation that crosses the border between physical and digital. Behind the project stands an accomplished artistic tandem consisting of academic painter Nika Oblak and academic painter Primož Novak. They presented their project, quite different from most, on Kickstarter, where they collect funds for further development.

Border Mover it is pneumatic installation, which (literally) pushes the boundaries. They are putting it together display, computer, air compressor, pneumatic cylinders and software (the work of Rado Miklavčič), which synchronizes the pneumatic movement of the screen frame together with the video. In this way turns a two-dimensional recording into a three-dimensional space and blurs the line between the digital and the real. Nika Oblak and Primož Novak, who have been awarded several times, got the idea when they realized that 95 percent of the information on television is useless.

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Border Mover on Kickstarter is raising funds for the further development of the installation, which will be on public view for the first time at the Kunsthalle Bratislava gallery in Slovakia at their solo exhibition And Now For Something Completely Different 5. Backers will not receive an installation in return for funding, but rather thank-you gifts such as t-shirts, stickers and cards.

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