
Under the chest tattoo - tattoos under the chest that will make you not even notice!

Underboob tattoos - underboob tattoo

Some time ago, celebrities were caught up in the trend of a crop top that reveals more than it hides (that underboob). It only covers the upper part of the chest. Now the trend got an upgrade in the form of sexy tattoos under the breasts, which will completely distract you from them.

When we decide to a thief, is not only important motive, it is also important where do we 'put' it. Not every part of the body is suitable for a tattoo. After the women were captured by you the underboob trend, i.e. the trend of wearing shorts T-shirts that only cover the upper part of the chest, the trend led to tattoo growth underboob, which divert attention from the chest.

READ MORE: Nylons that give the impression that you have a thief

Chest tattoos are the latest trend in body art.
Chest tattoos are the latest trend in body art.

Below you can see some of the luckiest ones chest tattoos. Do you think this is a good location for a tattoo or is it not suitable here? What did you notice earlier? Breast or tattoo?

Gallery - chest tattoos:

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