
Beoplay P2 wireless speaker

The world is getting smaller, you could say. At least that's how it is in technology. More and more powerful devices are also smaller and smaller at the same time. Well, at least it is in the case of the Beoplay P2 speaker. Not so long ago, young people walked the streets with a huge stereo player on their shoulders, now at least that loud music is already blaring from their pockets.

Beoplay P2 tehta samo 275 gramov in je zahvaljujoč svoji neprodušni aluminijasti ‘obleki’ odporen na prašne delce in vodne kaplje. Kar je morda najbolj navdušujoče pri tej napravici, pa je kakovost zvoka, saj za njegovo kakovostjo stoji Bang & Olufsen. Zvočnik, ki zmore neverjetnih 2 x 50 W, poskrbi, da  bodo predvsem nizke frekvence odlično definirane in ne ‘zmazane’, kot se to rado dogaja. V Beoplay P2 so vgradili tudi microphone, tako da ga lahko uporabite tudi za klice.

Z zvočnikom se povežete prek Bluetooth, še prej pa mobilnik opremite z application Beoplay, prek katere krmilite med funkcijami. Na poslušanje!

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