
Buddy - this gaming chair for computer game lovers is a real hit

Gaming chair Buddy

If it looks and acts like a chair, but has over two million orders, is it really just a chair? More than anything, toyers love being close to the action, which means close to the screen. In the days of wired controllers, this was a necessity due to the short cables, but even though these are now wireless and you can play games from the comfort of the couch, console users still like to sit close to the screen. Last but not least, this is confirmed by the arrival of Nintendo's NES Classic Edition console, which returns to its roots with controllers with extremely short cables. That means sitting on the floor, but not when you consider the Buddy gaming chair, which toy players will love in no time. Let's see why.

Basic information
The price
40 €

Computer games they have outstanding graphics and every gamer knows that it is the best place to play right in front of the screen. This mostly means you're playing on the ground, which is a pain for the knees and back. It solves this problem Buddy, gaming a chair, which allows you to be in the center of the action, but your body does not suffer because of it.

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You can also use Buddy in other situations.
You can also use Buddy in other situations.

Buddy completely adjust to your favorite position. You can play leaning back or leaning forward. In this case, the backrest turns into an armrest. It is made of soft foam and designed not only to fit your desired position, but to help you maintain good posture. Yours is for 40 euros. If you are a passionate fan of computer games, Buddy is the only friend you need in your life.

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