
Budweiser announces: "Friends are waiting", drink (beer) responsibly

On September 19, the fifth Global Be(er) Responsible Day took place around the world, which draws attention to the responsible drinking of beer. We are usually used to having a lump in our throat after watching these kinds of ads, as if we swallowed a bitter pill, but the Budweiser brewery (the American one, not the Czech Budvar) decided to offer us its bitter drink instead of a pill.

We all know how faithful friends they are dogs. Let's just remember Hachika. They follow the owner every step of the way. And we all know how faithful companion of social events it is beer. Therefore, the manufacturer of the latter, Budweiser, decided to campaign "Friends are waiting" for responsible drinking in the group Global Be(er) Responsible Day-a (world day for responsible beer drinking) does not turn into morbidness, but plays on emotions and not so much on tragic consequences drunk driving.

A play on words for a responsible beer drinking campaign, as this can quickly turn from a fun game into a tragedy.
A play on words for a responsible beer drinking campaign, as this can quickly turn from a fun game into a tragedy.

READ MORE: Oktoberfest: beer, pretzels and good cleavage

So it is in central role set up a dog, which accompanies its owner at every step. But the dog does not go with the owner everywhere. And they are for him hours of waiting at home as long as Monday. Especially if the owner doesn't come back. Hence Budweiser appeals upon us to accept after drinking wise decision and let us not let our most faithful friend wait for our return whole life.

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