
Bulbing - magical 3D lights

The designer, Nir Chehanoswki from Cheha Studio, developed an original way of designing lamps called Bulbing. He sees everyday objects as light bulbs and lamps, and through his work he places domestic objects in new situations that breathe new contexts into them.

Using wire, he follows the lines of selected objects and transfers them into shiny, newly functional objects. By doing so, he says, he forces people to think about their relationship to the chosen objects. They rest functionally on the nightstand next to the bed, on the sideboard in the living room or simply give the room a decorative touch. The Bulbing project is part of an online platform Kickstarter.

READ MORE: An interesting light that imitates a sky full of stars

See more photos of 3D lamps in the gallery

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More info: bulbing-light.com

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