
Burnout: 4 Types of People Who Give Too Much

Photo: Envato

Stop! Stop it. You need rest, both physically and mentally!

Burnout is a disease of modern times that affects people who are physically and mentally completely exhausted. Otherwise, it is caused by chronic problems and stress in any field, and most often and usually this field is the career field. It is characterized by a feeling of fatigue, anxiety, tension, panic attacks, disappointment, inability to do work, superficiality, irritability, depressed mood, sensitivity, despair, helplessness, inability to focus, forgetfulness, loss of motivation to work, malaise, body pain...

However, burnout is not only present at work, but can also occur in other areas of life, especially partner and family. It can manifest itself in almost any situation and environment in which we feel a long period of stress, anxiety, or simply impatience.

Don't hide behind a smile. Photo: Sydney Sims/Unsplash

Selina Barker in the book Burnt Out  highlights four archetypes of people who exaggerate and give too much of themselves.

One who gives too much

You are the person your friends turn to for advice and complain to. You care about their feelings and you love to help them, but you are giving too much of yourself and exhausting yourself along the way. This is a key symptom of emotional exhaustion, and it feels like you are not having enough time for yourself and your own needs due to your focus on others.

You feel bad when you can't help others, but you have to take care of yourself too. Find time for activities that improve you, small pleasures that rest your brain and recharge your batteries, and try to make the time spent with other people pleasant not only for them, but also for you.

One who does too much

It is a list of obligations that must be fulfilled. The problem arises when there are too many obligations and when it is simply impossible to fulfill or achieve everything. Instead of retreating, you frantically try to get everything done and become physically exhausted very quickly. You are well organized under normal circumstances, but you must learn to deal with these special situations beyond your control.

You need rest, both physically and mentally. A good idea is to remove all devices, a digital detox where there is no checking email and other to-do lists, at least for a day. And if you can't get enough rest, do something that is both productive and fulfilling, like cooking.

One who is too ambitious

Everything is going according to plan and you know exactly what you want to achieve in life and by when. Organization is your strong point, but you can easily burn out if you don't stop in time. However impressive your success may seem to others, the fear of failure is your main driving force.

Take time for yourself and breathe! Photo: Vladimir Fedotov / Unsplash

When you overdo it, it can hurt you on many levels. Not only do you have a crisis of confidence, but you also do not trust other people and aggressively refuse their help. That's why it's important to be grounded and find some activities that suit you that have nothing to do with career and advancement. Something that relaxes you.

One who thinks too much

You function perfectly under normal circumstances, and if you think about it, there's no problem you can't solve. But when you burn out, your focus disappears and your mind wanders. At that moment, you find it difficult to concentrate and your brain seems to have betrayed you.

The most important thing for you is to get out of your head so that you don't feel mentally overwhelmed. This means that you enjoy various physical activities, as well as other tasks that require the brain to be fully engaged so that it is not able to deal with unimportant things. Let's say puzzles, walks.

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