
Cabin: a luxury hotel on wheels

Are you also from time to time, even though you love to travel, tired of waiting at airports at inhumanly early hours of the morning or of uncomfortable and long bus rides? While we wait for Musk's future of travel, you can try out a new way to travel. Cabin, a hotel on wheels, is the most comfortable way to travel for anyone who cannot yet afford a private jet.

Cabin, a hotel on wheels, is the impetus of the young duo they make up Tim Currier and Geatano Crupi, who want to enable people with their project more comfortable travel, where there is a waste in time and energy minimal. Cabin is a hotel that provides two in one: time when you are resting, working on your laptop or sleeping, will be used to come from point A to point B. The hotel can accommodate up to 24 guests. Everyone has a small one cabin with pillows, sheets and earplugs. They are also available drinks and free internet. The mobile Cabin Hotel is currently operating between Los Angeles and San Francisco. A one-way ticket costs approx 120 euros. The latter is actually not much when you think about it that's how much one hotel room costs. We hope that Cabin will start working soon in Europe as well.

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