
Cafe Cubano

In the Ljubljana Coliseum, they are richer for a new bar, Cafe Cubano. In it, all lovers of Caribbean food and drink will get their money's worth. In a pleasant atmosphere, we will be able to try Cuban coffee Cubito, Cuban beer Cubanero, aged Cuban rums and cocktails characteristic of Cuba. Among the snacks, two stand out less...

Basic information
Cafe Cubano
BTC Colosseum
from Mon. until Thu. from 12:00 to 22:00, Fri. and rooms. from 12:00 to 23:00

In the Ljubljana Coliseum, they are richer for a new bar, Cafe Cubano. In it, all lovers of Caribbean food and drink will get their money's worth. In a pleasant atmosphere, we will be able to try Cuban coffee Cubito, Cuban beer Cubanero, aged Cuban rums and cocktails characteristic of Cuba. Among the snacks, the lesser-known ingredients Yuka, which is a type of potato, and Platana, a type of banana that is not sweet, stand out. They just toast it and offer it as a side dish or a stand-alone snack. Of course, we also have tortillas with different fillings and many other Cuban delicacies. Everything will be prepared and offered to us by Cuban chefs and waiters to hot Cuban rhythms for a real dance-gourmet experience.

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