
Cafe Marjanca

There is not a person from Kamnica who does not know the man who saved the Kamnica coffee industry. Florjan Mlakar, a well-known Kamnik café owner with gallant manners, invited his guests to the famous Kamnik Veronika for twenty years, until last year. Last year, however, due to a chain of events, he was left without his beloved central cafe, but he quickly started...

Basic information
Cafe Marjanca
Kolodvorska 5
from Mon. until Sun. from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m
(01) 839 26 78

There is not a person from Kamnica who does not know the man who saved the Kamnica coffee industry. Florjan Mlakar, a well-known Kamnik café owner with gallant manners, invited his guests to the famous Kamnik Veronika for twenty years, until last year. Last year, however, due to a chain of events, he was left without his beloved central cafe, but he quickly started a new cafe story. He revived the legendary Marjanca right next to the Plečnik station, and the brand new Cvetova cafe Marjanca was created. Regular guests will be able to appreciate the genuine homely atmosphere in the cafe, which is mainly supported by the wait staff, in a nice homely atmosphere you will be able to choose from countless types of tea, and the cafe is also famous for its excellent hot chocolate. Those with a sweet tooth will be delighted with cakes, Prekmurska gibanica and other sweets, but you must definitely try the cafe's tarragon potica. However, Marjanca is not just a cafe, because every day we can treat ourselves to a real cafe breakfast or snack, and Florjan decided to treat us to lunches and dinners in his Marjanca as well. In the spring time, when the sun draws us to the plains, we can also imagine the cafe atmosphere on the outdoor terrace, while our little ones will play on the plenty of playgrounds.

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