
A calculator that tells you the real age of your body

Body age

Do you know how old you really are? Not how old you are, but how old your body is. Aging isn't fun, but if you're active from time to time and eat relatively healthy, you're probably a lot younger than you think. At least as far as the age of your body is concerned. And you can calculate that below.

we all know how old are we. But one thing is age based on a birth certificate, and another the age of our body, which is all that really counts. Of course, this does not mean that we should stop counting our years. Last but not least, we all love birthday gifts, but these years are just a bare number; body age is what you should really count as it reveals much more.

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Body age you can in the following with a calculator that tells the real age of the body, also calculated. Digital calculator calculates numbers based on how physically fit you are, and was developed at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. The calculator needs information such as: where you live, how old you are, what gender you are, how often you are physically active, what your heart rate is, how much you weigh and how much you measure around your waist.

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Does your body "look" good for your age?

Using this data, the calculator spits it out VO2 max, this is the label for the largest volume of oxygen, which an individual is able to consume in liters of oxygen per minute. Although VO2 max is affected by both age and gender, it is determined to a greater extent by ours physical fitness. The more you exercise, the more oxygen your body can absorb. And what does the body age calculator actually tell us? If a person does not weigh too much and is regularly physically active, the chances of getting sick and dying prematurely are lower. In people over 65 years of age, regular exercise proven to inhibit the development of many diseases, including colon cancer and depression. And as experts say, it's never too late to start. Anyone who starts exercising today and is not over 85 years old can drastically improve their health. I start today, Desa Muck would say.

Check the real age of your body at: worldfitnesslevel.org

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